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For health professionals

All our publications are free for you to order for your patients. They are reviewed by clinical experts so you can trust they are accurate.

We can provide our information in large print, audio and braille if your patients need this.

What now? How to look after yourself and get support

What now? How to look after yourself and get support


Our leaflet, 'What now? How to look after yourself and get support through pancreatic cancer' is for people with pancreatic cancer. It explains how to deal with the emotional impact of pancreatic cancer and get support when you need it.

Caring for someone with pancreatic cancer

Caring for someone with pancreatic cancer


Maximum 50 per order

This booklet is for family members of someone with pancreatic cancer. It includes information on managing symptoms and side effects, and accessing the right care and support. This booklet is included in the newly diagnosed pack.

How to look after yourself when caring for someone with pancreatic cancer

How to look after yourself when caring for someone with pancreatic cancer


Maximum 50 per order

This leaflet is for family members of someone with pancreatic cancer. It will give you some tips on how to look after yourself when caring for them. Plus ways to get further emotional support and information when the time is right for you.

Pancreatic cancer and end of life care. Information for people in the last few months of life

Pancreatic cancer and end of life care. Information for people in the last few months of life


Maximum 50 per order

This booklet is for people with pancreatic cancer and their family who want to know more about what may happen in the last few months of life. It includes information about the symptoms people may get and how to manage these, accessing care and support... read more

What to expect in the final weeks and days of life. When someone close to you has pancreatic cancer

What to expect in the final weeks and days of life. When someone close to you has pancreatic cancer


Maximum 50 per order

This booklet gives information about what to expect when someone with pancreatic cancer is close to the end of their life. It includes information about caring for a loved one, signs that the end of life is close, saying goodbye and coping with loss. 

Fatigue and pancreatic cancer

Fatigue and pancreatic cancer


Maximum 50 per order

This booklet is for people who have fatigue. It explains what fatigue is, what causes it, how it can be managed – including things you can do yourself, and the support available.

Diary for managing fatigue

Diary for managing fatigue


Maximum 50 per order

This diary can help you monitor and manage fatigue. Download and print it, or fill it out and save on your computer.

Pain and pancreatic cancer

Pain and pancreatic cancer


Maximum 50 per order

This booklet explains what causes pancreatic cancer pain, the different types of pain, and how it is managed.

Pain medicines record card

Pain medicines record card


Maximum 50 per order

Print off and use this record card to help you manage your pain medicines.